What users think about ISChange

Customer testimonials

I knew ISChange on the web by searching exchange facilities management program. We use the software on our 2 exchange offices and are totally satisfied. Regarding the after sales service and support, a total satisfaction with tracking and resolutions of the few problems in the shortest possible time. I can only recommend this software to all professional.

Ben S. Shop & Change

This is a very intuitive, its interface is very easy to use, its features are perfectly suited to the management of a currency exchange. Moreover ISChange ensures a high quality customer service with competent partners, courteous and friendly!

Golden Cash Sàrl

ISChange has become for us a truly indispensable tool. It allowed us to save time on each transaction in the evening to the fund, as well as for the management and monitoring of stock. Thank you to all the team.

Daniel Jolliet Sàrl

I use ISChange for several years and I am completely satisfied. I thank the team for ISChange professionalism and good humor. Continue this!

Leman Finance SA